*Decentralized Voting Power on Polkadot & Kusama.

Web3 Foundation has created the Decentralized Voices program for Polkadot and Kusama, to allow more people to be significantly involved in OpenGov by delegating 180.000 KSM and 42 million DOT worth of voting power to active voters in the ecosystem.*


Decentralized Voices Program

How Does It Work?

Every three months, Web3 Foundation will delegate its own DOT and KSM to individual voters who have been shown to be avid and thoughtful contributors to governance, through both on-chain voting and off-chain interactions. These delegations will occur on all Spender (32, 33, 34) and Tipper (30, 31) tracks only. Candidates must write a public declaration of their political “philosophy” and/or agenda, and should be able to show significant participation in Polkadot or Kusama governance.

Participants are expected to vote regularly and explain the rationale behind their voting on Polkassembly, Subsquare, and/or other communications media (e.g. Polkaverse, X/Twitter, Polkadot Forum). Participants are barred from voting Aye or Nay for Treasury Proposals for themselves or for which they have a conflict of interest (e.g. voting against a competitor). In such cases, they may vote Abstain or not vote at all.

Selection of candidates is at the discretion of Web3 Foundation and delegation can be revoked at any time in the case of violation of the rules. The specific number of delegations or amount of DOT/KSM delegated may change in the future.

The Delegates

Note: names are given in alphabetical order and do not imply any order of preference or rank.

Learn More About Polkadot OpenGov

Polkadot OpenGov Home Page

Polkadot Wiki Page on OpenGov

Polkadot Wiki Section on Delegation